Period Finishes

Period Finishes

The Farcroft finishing team has extensive expertise working with period furniture to conserve and recreate original surface finishes which reflect the craftsman’s intention and retain the patination and handling marks – key indicators of use and age, which tell the tale of the object’s history.

The aim is to conserve as much as possible of the original surfaces and restore the surface finish just on damaged sections. This is then carefully toned to blend with the surrounding areas. If damage is relatively minor, gentle cleaning and waxing is sometimes sufficient to bring back the lustre and depth of colour, particularly on older pieces that were originally finished with wax or oils rather than french polish or spirit varnishes.

Farcroft also has expertise restoring Oriental Lacquer and European Japanned furniture, consolidating surfaces, replacing and matching losses and reviving the original surface.

Gilded and specially commissioned painted objects are restored by the fine art team, utilising specialist conservation processes to stabilise existing surfaces and replicate the original finishes.

Years of expertise have led us to develop specialist techniques, enabling us to undertake many different types of restoration


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